Tips For An Easy Day Trip
That time of the month again! The dreaded time when you have to take the day off from work, pack a lunch and plan your escape to somewhere exciting. Whether you’re looking for that perfect beach hangout or some summer fun with friends, these are just a few tips on what to pack and where to go for a day trip!
1. Pack snacks and water for on-the-go snacking
If you’re hitting the road for a long day trip, pack some snacks. It’s always good to take a bag of Snacks with you! A mixture of Fruity Stars, Red Bean Bears, Fresh Banana and Tangerine… they’re all healthy and delicious snacks that are perfect for your next road trip!
2. Wear comfortable clothing
Comfortable clothing is key. It’s ideal to wear pants and a light sweater or jacket. If you’re going to be spending a lot of time outdoors, take a light jacket with you in case the weather changes.
3. Pack a lunch
Pack a lunch with you! You know what’s good during the summer? Hot dogs! A yummy hot dog is always good whether you’re walking down the beach or going to a picnic ground. Don’t forget to pack some extra napkins, because who wants to walk around with sauce all over their hands?
4. Bring water!
Summer is hot! Be sure to pack enough water for yourself and whoever you’re hanging out with. Here’s a tip: If you have time to spare, go back to your car and grab a cold bottle of water for yourself!
5. Bring a camera or smartphone
Bring your smartphone or digital camera for lots of pictures! Taking pictures is always good! Don’t forget to bring an extra battery pack if you’re worried about running out of juice.
6. Plan a place to go to afterward
After your day trip, call a friend, find out where they’re going after they’re done and plan a meet-up with them. Sometimes it’s hard to have a good time alone. Having someone to hang out with after your day trip is always good.
7. Bring sunscreen!
Sunscreen is important! If you don’t want your skin going crispy, be sure to apply the SPF of your choice before you head out for the day.