10 Best Exercises For Women
Exercise is a good way to stay fit, get rid of those pesky pounds that accumulate in the course of your daily activities, and improve your mood. In particular, exercises which target women’s bodies are recommended because they help you tone muscle and burn fat while also increasing your metabolism.
This article provides a list of these exercises for women to practice on a regular basis. Along with the titles of each exercise included on this list, an explanation as to how the exercise works is included as well.
1. Squats
Squats have been said to provide a number of benefits to your body, including building muscle, enhancing posture and improving cardio health. To begin with, squats are among the best exercises women can do to shape their bodies.
2. Kettle Bell Swings
To perform kettle bell swings or kettle-bell squats, you will need a kettle bell, medicine ball or any dumbbell with a handle. After you find your position, engage your abdominal muscles and then lift the weight with your arms and shoulders.
3. Kettle Bell Cleans
This exercise is similar to the kettle bell swings. Set up in a high-rep squat position and then come down into a front squat position while maintaining tension in your core muscles.
4. Kettle Bell Swirls
Again, this exercise is very similar to the kettle bell swings. Hold the weight tightly in both hands and then twist the weight into your right side and back to the middle of your body. Repeat on the other side.
5. Front Lunges
Begin with a proper stance, holding a kettle bell in each hand, and then lunge forward with your left leg at an angle greater than ninety degrees, keeping your knee behind your toes as you move forward.
6. Lunges
In this exercise, hold a dumbbell in both hands and then lunge forward with your right leg for about ten to fifteen reps. Repeat this process until you have completed the required number of repetitions.
7. Squat Jumps
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and place a roll of paper towels beneath your heels. Then, immediately squat down to the floor in front of you and come back up again. Repeat this process several times.
8. Step-Ups
To begin with, make sure that you are at least six feet off the ground. Then, step up onto a step and then push back down onto the same step, alternating from one step to another. Don’t rush your rep or else you will not be able to carry out the exercise properly as it takes some time to do so.
9. Triceps Dips
To do this exercise, you will need a chair and then position yourself so that your back is facing the chair. Then, extend both legs until your knees almost touch the floor and bend your elbows behind you before returning to the first position.
10. Push-Ups
As its name suggests, this exercise helps sculpt your upper body and core muscles. It will also improve your arm and abdominal muscles. In order to do this exercise, you must get into a high plank position with your feet together and your hands beneath your shoulders. Then, lower the center of your body until it almost touches the floor.